Steam Trade Offer Link-Link Parameters

I displayed the contents of the STEAM inventory (coupons and cards) on the site, and for the convenience of sharing, I decided to add Trade Offer Link for each item. For cards (AppID 753/6), this was no problem and the link looks like this:

When you click on it, the exchange window opens and the desired card is automatically inserted (no need to search).

Faced with the problem of forming such a link for the Coupons category (AppID 753/3). A search on this issue did not provide any information at all. I made attempts to do it in different ways:

for_coupon=classid купона  
for_item=classid купона  

Data about coupons can be obtained in the JSON form by making a request:  

How do I create such a link for coupons?

Author: aleksandr barakin, 2015-10-05

1 answers

A similar GET parameter is only available for collectible cards. Alternatively, you can use a browser plugin that substitutes the items itself. But since this is a plugin, it's not a fact that everyone has it


Author: mJeevas, 2015-10-20 07:35:39