Stored Procedure Com select SQL SERVER

Good night, I'm trying to create a stored procedure that will fetch one of the data in a select, the reason is because I have a table of items, and I need to enter all the codes of the items in another table.

The idea is + - this: In the item table, only the "Itemcode" field matters, but it has several fields, and has about 170 thousand rows, each with a different itemcode.

In the ItensUsuario table has the user's link with the item and some other information.

I need to create a stored procedure that will insert all itemcode items into the user items.

I tried some ways, but gave error in converting varchar to int (I believe it is due to the select I made)

create procedure inserirtodositens
@idusuario int,
@idproduto int
insert into xx.dbo.itensusuario
values (@idusuario, @idproduto, 0, getdate(),0,-1)

execute inserirtodositens 594, 'select itemcodigo from xx.dbo.itens'

The error that returns is " Error converting data type varchar to int."

Caso eu mude o "@idproduto int" para 
"idproduto varchar(8000) = NULL"

The error that returns is " Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'select itemcodigo from XX.dbo.items ' to data type int."

Author: Bruno Henrique, 2019-08-07

1 answers


The problem is due to the fact that you are passing a string (varchar) to a parameter that expects a number (int)

Your "inserirtodositens" procedure has two paramatros: @ idusuario int, and @ idproducto int

The procedure call you TA passing 594 TO USER ID and a command " select itemcodigo from XX. dbo.items " that will actually fail because @idproducto expects a numeric value.

To achieve your goal, try the following :

create procedure inserirtodositens @idusuario int as begin insert into xx.dbo.itensusuario select @idusuario, itemcodigo, 0, getdate(),0,-1 from xx.dbo.itens where idusuario = @idusuario end

Execute insertodositens 594

To whereas in the table has the idusuario field.

Author: Adelson Silva, 2019-08-07 02:04:32