System.Web.HttpException: 'DataBinding:' System.Collections.DictionaryEntry ' does not contain a property with the name

I'm making a system in .vb, in it I use a HASHTABLE called returnows

insert the description of the image here

On the Home page.aspx.vb I do a dataBind on a front object passing that returnows

Dim retornoWs As Hashtable = websrvc.BuscarOpcoesQuiosque(lblCPF.Text, idServ, cnpjParceiro, codigoParceiro)

dgdTitulos.DataSource = retornoWs

And on the front I want to pull a field (LOGO_EMP_64) from this returnows to appear on the screen

<asp:Repeater ID="dgdTitulos" runat="server" >
            <div class="card boleto">
                <div class="card-block pad">
                    <div class="icone-card">
                        <i ID="icone" runat="server"></i>
                        <i ID="imgemp" runat="server"><img height="32" src='data:image/png;base64,<%#Eval("LOGO_EMP_64")%>' ></i>

But it's giving an error and I don't know what it can be:

System.Web.HttpException: 'DataBinding: 'System.Collections.DictionaryEntry' não contém uma propriedade com o nome 'LOGO_EMP_64'.'

Would anyone know how to help me? I don't know much about it

Author: Mari Teixeira, 2020-04-09