Test case is a use case?

I have doubts about Use Case and test case. In my understanding both are the same things, just a UML diagram, however, in college my teacher said that a test case is not a diagram and not a Use Case, but did not go into detail, however, other people said that the test case is a Use Case i.e. a UML diagram. Now I am confused regarding these two concepts. We the following example of a Use Case can be considered a test case ?

Example of the Use Case I created for illustration: Use case

If not, what would a test case be?

Author: gato, 2016-01-08

3 answers

A use case is a high-level description of a requirement requested by the user. A test case is a given scenario of how the system should behave in a specific location, whether through inputs or outputs.

I.e. both are different artifacts that have different purposes and that has some unusual information.

The test case can refer to Business Rules (high level of abstraction) or check how certain structures internal software behave (low level this type of information is not specified in the use case).

Perhaps the confusion is that a business rule can become a test case.

Author: rray, 2016-01-08 16:26:22

Use case this is a document that contains system requirements.

Test case is basically describes the steps and expected results for each action.

Author: Danúbia Paiva, 2016-06-20 02:15:57

You can derive one or more test cases from a use case.

The use case is like an artifact representing what the developer should implement over the requirement.

In this association, the test case would represent what the user should be able to perform, given a requirement.

Author: Lizzie, 2017-11-22 20:48:19