Test strategy/test scenario/test-case as I understood it

I've been studying testing recently and would like to put all the dots on the i. There is a task " ... come up with a test strategy: briefly list the test scenarios that you are going to test. Choose 2 scenarios, and write a test case for each of them...". Sobsna question, as I understood from the theory: the test strategy is how we test the product, it includes collecting information about the product, analyzing the information received, and sobsno decision-making where we write how and why we will conduct our tests based on the two previous points.

But with the other two terms, an ambush comes out. Almost everywhere they write that the test script is a test-case and it looks like " Waiting: the program closes with the keyboard shortcut Alt-f4. Action: when the program is enabled, use this keyboard shortcut. Result: Successful. The program is closing"

Or a test script is a set of certain templates like: "run the program, check the active buttons, check the ability to enter text, check the deletion of text, etc...". And test-case in this case is already a detailed check of each template-step, such as decomposition " Run the program: the program is launched from a folder, the program is launched from the command line, the program is launched from Start. Check the active buttons: the help button, when pressed, gives this and that" well, and so on, I hope it is clear what I am driving at. I got a little confused in all this test documentation, I hope you will not be in trouble. the burden of guiding me to the right path. all the best in advance!

Author: insolor, 2020-07-29