Text decryption (frequency analysis)

There is an encrypted text: o theysee of svyazhsk NEER amtopp of idea nsyc. AF-amytis f nyagy z IPF hydey. NFL backflight apmaksa x emasm of Ahimsa amkeni, esbpcs of fncpa IPSec to o apagesic of bpeak, cscpa Syed. fadcs aaahmmm x getthey to imagecfg of veasna W grifk. feimfschkp meifes, fe bnu fegeyauhepschd, fschszspschd, schaep schpce. - emesm, eu iu afp wef-zkisna? - sfpdshy afamfschkpe ezbpkze. - k amgmeek gsmkea, shgfpagf bftzf! nh aevgc hushchfpkp! - fze humhepe with zbf kya aepatsh shkbemyes, yaesokpe x aapazkts, meschaeizspe oefmu to fegmupe fgzf x geikzye, hasschekh x gfzees shfpzts to ayzk aekts. bchfmfzschgkch sbmshf afschfemp ze bshmzezegs, nfscheep kya aevgk nmsbssh schkbemyes, amkgsmkp k schzfhe sop h schjid. - emesm, hfyaak schid h msgk, vme hfyaak! x ifpazkcei k ifmbei neok ze. eu t sche bfhfmkp, wef neoge ibszad. fze hmzeschd, fidyaeepazf hmzeschd! - ezbpkse fizdpe bstvkss schyaenk yae apvk k amktepescha ygfch g bbbf yaeupgs. hi geikzye jebpdzspe bfmzkwzed to nfpftkpe: - g he khez emgenahcw. Bachivsk hdpf chssp. Champaign htyp x griseus ifmpc efifmt. – z afscas d cheoy satsfy shchipansky fileetag x jkccs – sheep FZ. – yspk Yiwu names of apicheck u types of hugsa, Eph nehst Yiwu, ufahdtcek to ssfhc of housekpg. afme afngpshvkea amehffmezkepazu fmbezu. - zzehkts bzefh. bpd schpstee iyafaeschzfschek npeye hshch hfyafftzf. - asschea amfnfpte x ef t nsy. heshch zkgef k z amfschke przikea bzefh, afnseche f nfvmk-afme afngpshweea nfafpzkepazu myamhu, k d yazesh vpfhge, gfefmuch schftye ze affva. schfikmechescha, isns tneea heshch x leokz. nfhfpazf nsmege hepdea! hempefh huo yae nhma. bekhfmfzschgkch meyanehkp fgsmfg x aaapazkts k bnpzzf afnzdpschd.

Conducted its frequency analysis in Excel-e, got the frequency of letters. It is worth mentioning that punctuation marks and spaces were not encoded. On the left, the frequencies in the current text, on the right, the data from Wikipedia

Frequencies Direct replacement of characters by the approximate frequencies do not give anything, apparently, the text is too small, it turns out something incomprehensible. At the same time, I'm pretty sure that F - > O. If someone can tell me, I will be very grateful.

Author: smlcrm., 2018-11-04

1 answers

Five days have passed since Dasha's disappearance. Still no news of the girl. The Gaivoronsky house was plunged into mourning – the staff was quiet, Angelina went pale and with tear-stained eyes, blamed herself. The owner locked himself in the office and practically did not leave it. He gave up work, refused to eat, became haggard, and slept off his face.

- Arthur, would you like something to eat? Angelina pleaded. "And stop smoking as much as you can!" I begged for two packs! She snatched it from his fingers. I stubbed out my cigarette in the ashtray, opened the curtains, and opened the study window, letting in the sun and the singing of birds.

Gaivoronsky looked sullenly at the governess, took another cigarette from the pack, lit it, and went back into himself.

- Arthur, pull yourself together, damn it! There is no Dasha in hospitals and morgues. You said yourself that Dasha is a runner. She'll be back, she'll be back! Angelina put her arm around the man's shoulders from behind and pressed her cheek to the back of his head.

I looked in the office the maid and reported:

- To you Ivan Arkadyevich.

Gaivoronsky nodded weakly.

Varlamov entered the room with a brisk gait.

– I do not understand your persistent reluctance to contact the police, - he said. – If Daria had been kidnapped for ransom, they would have called long ago and set the conditions. It's time to connect the law enforcement agencies.

- I hate cops. My security team is doing their best.

- Let him continue in the same spirit. No one will ever see you asks to love the cops, think about your daughter-it's time to connect additional reserves, and I know a person who can help us. I'll meet you in the car." Enough fooling around!

Varlamov went out the door. Gaivoronsky crushed out his cigarette butt in the ashtray and slowly got up.


Everything is deciphered, as it was written in the comments: 1) Perform a frequency analysis, find the most common letter 2) Replace this letter with " O" 3) Search for words: "he, she, they, who, what, that" and find the rest of the letters.

Author: smlcrm., 2018-11-10 11:07:05