Trigger with MySQL query

What I need to do is the following, when a record is entered into the orders table a trigger is performed that performs the following query:

 SELECT timestampdiff(MINUTE, fechaDeSolicitud, now()) <= 120 FROM pedidos
 WHERE idPedido= (aqui iria el id del pedido que ingreso como registro)

But I need it to repeat until the result of this query of 0

(will return 1 If 120 minutes have not yet passed or 0 otherwise)

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Any idea how I can do it like this other than with a trigger? thank you very much.

Author: Lina Cortés, 2016-05-23

4 answers

I would recommend you to do an event from time to time, there are options to refresh automatically in javascript or use a button to refresh manually. and call a function that returns the answer of 0 or 1.

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`` FUNCTION `menor_a_120`(fechaDeSolicitud datetime) RETURNS int(11)
    SET @diferencia_minutos=(SELECT timestampdiff(MINUTE, fechaDeSolicitud, now()) );
    IF (@diferencia_minutos<=120) THEN
        SET valor=0;
        SET valor=1;
    END IF;
RETURN valor;

And then in your javascript you send a query and you see that's what returns you, so you don't load as much work into the database.

Author: jose antonio, 2016-05-23 14:12:23

You can try something like this, although I warn that I have not tried it:

CREATE TRIGGER trigger_pedidos AFTER INSERT ON pedidos
        WHILE v1 > 0 DO
          SET v1 = (SELECT timestampdiff(MINUTE, fechaDeSolicitud, now()) <= 120 FROM pedidos
                    WHERE idPedido= (aqui iria el id del pedido que ingreso como registro))
        END WHILE;
Author: Jose Hermosilla Rodrigo, 2016-05-23 04:27:05

As I understand the query could be 120 minutes waiting for the condition. The best thing if you're using linux is to make a process that does that job and runs for example every 1 minute, you enroll it in the crontab

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Author: Juan Manuel Doren, 2016-05-23 04:44:21

I don't see much point in creating a trigger that executes a query, unless the result of that query is saved to a temporary table or a variable that you can use elsewhere in your project.

If you want to do something like this, I can think of this:

-- Opcion 1: Almacenar el resultado en una variable
delimiter $$
create trigger tr_pedidos_ai 
after insert on pedidos
for each row
    SELECT timestampdiff(MINUTE, fechaDeSolicitud, now()) <= 120 
        INTO @ts_diff
    FROM pedidos
    WHERE idPedido=new.id_pedido;
end $$
delimiter ;

In some other part of your application, you can run this query:

select @ts_diff;

Which will return the value you are interested in.

Now, you can also create a function that executes the query and return what you want, and call that function when you need it:

delimiter $$
create function ts_diff(id int) returns int
    declare diff int;
    select timestampdiff(MINUTE, fechaDeSolicitud, now()) <= 120
        into diff
    from pedidos
    where idPedido = id;
    return coalesce(diff, 0);
end $$

And you can run this function whenever you need it in some other part of your application:

set @idPedido = 1; -- valor de prueba
select ts_diff(@idPedido);
Author: Barranka, 2016-05-23 16:06:15