The difference between IPython and Jupyter Notebook

How is IPython different from Jupyter Notebook?

Author: Regent, 2017-10-13

2 answers

IPython is an interactive text (not web) console (REPL) for Python. See the Wikipedia article: IPython

It looks something like this:


Jupyter Notebook (formerly IPython Notebook) is a web wrapper, specifically for IPython. Initially, it worked only with IPython, but as it developed, it was separated into a separate project (actually, theJupyter project), and support for other languages was added programming languages other than Python: Julia and R (the name Jupyter is an acronym for the names of the languages Julia, Python, R), and others (see Jupyter kernels).

IPython and Jupyter are closely related (integrated), but solve different problems.

Author: insolor, 2020-02-12 09:06:16

It's the same thing, only Jupyter Notebook is a rebranding of IPython Notebooka. This is marketing.

Author: Trashbox Bobylev, 2017-10-14 23:25:47