the entry point to the procedure was not found in the qt dll

Unfortunately, I have a unique case, because in the pop-up error window, the following message is literally displayed: "the entry point to the procedure was not found in the dll in test/test.exe".Neither the name of the function, nor the name of the dll itself. I got the source code and the program itself with the libraries, the program runs the source code is collected, but as soon as I transfer the exe file from one folder to another, this stupid error window crashes. I collect the release version. It is just important for me to transfer only the exezhnik, because there is a non-qt library with a license and the license itself.

Author: Amos, 2019-04-16

1 answers

Is Qt free or paid? If it is free, it collects the exe file in dynamics as required by the open source license. In order to copy the exe just like that, it must be assembled in statics, with such an assembly, qt will write all the dependent bibles to the executable file. In general, the net is full of instructions on how to build with static linking and in the free version of qt.

Author: Slav9n92, 2019-04-16 16:35:34