The eyedropper in Photoshop does not detect the color correctly

The eyedropper in Photoshop does not detect the color correctly:

enter a description of the image here

enter a description of the image here

Author: Kromster, 2017-04-07

1 answers

This problem is very easy to solve. I will explain on the example of the English version (because I have such a cost).

When you select "pipette" at the top, right under the file panel, filters, etc. there are several options for the pipette itself. There should be only "Current Layer" ("only this layer") and NOT "All Layers" ("All layers") or something else! If there is something else-fix it to "Current Layer" (only this layer) and the pipette will take the color only from the layer on which you are currently working, and not through all the layers!

Look at the picture:

the solution to the problem with the eyedropper and incorrect color detection in Photoshop!

Author: Tanya Dol, 2019-07-25 11:53:21