The fastest Android emulator for weak PCs to work with instagram apps

Tell me what in your opinion is the most Android for weak PCs to work with applications instagram, vk, fb. Not for games. Low-resource and fast-starting.

Author: Dar Yoga, 2020-02-02

3 answers

Nox Player is one of the fastest android emulators for PC.

Author: Grite Line, 2020-02-02 11:23:28

GenyMotion - A good emulator, partially paid

BlueStack - Free and frequently used for the features you described

NoxPlayer is Free and similar to BlueStack, which is faster I can't say.

I myself use GenyMotion and can recommend it, stable and powerful.

Author: sakuraso13, 2020-02-02 14:54:44


It is convenient because there are many images for different APIs. Not for games. Normally does not support ARM. It is convenient for application tests, during development. However, there is no x64.


A game emulator. There are 4 and 5 android devices.


The main working emulator. It works stably. Some settings fly off when you restart. It starts quite quickly. Normally consumes memory.

BlueStacks 0.8

A game emulator. The old version is used. 15 API. It works quite smartly.

I would recommend using BlueStacks 0.8 or something newer, like Droid4x or Memu. My Nox has been extremely unstable lately.

Author: Shandor Hachimann, 2020-02-05 15:59:44