The icons of the file association with MS Office are missing. How to return it?

In general, all files that should be opened via MS Office have icons, as if the program is not associated with them:

enter a description of the image here

If the files are opened, they are successfully opened automatically through the desired Office application.

The properties also have an association:

enter a description of the image here

I tried to restore Office 2016, but it didn't help.

sfc /scannow тоже не помог.

I also tried to delete the cache of icons from AppData, but again to no avail .

Showing the file extension is enabled and there is no such thing at the end .xlsx.exe => this is not a virus.

In the system tray, the running program is also displayed without an icon:

enter a description of the image here

Author: iluxa1810, 2018-11-26

1 answers

How I solved similar problems a couple of times (I, however, flew icons not of the office, but of several bio-utilities):

  1. Looking for a file imageres.dll in the Windows subfolders, I have a modified one in the c folder:\windows\system32 and the original in the folder C:\Windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-imageres_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_38b294da11970cde
  2. Creating a CMD file (given at the end of the message), changing the paths to your own
  3. Run the command line under admin (I use FAR)
  4. Exit the explorer (Start, Ctrl+Shift and right-click on an empty space)
  5. Run our CMD file in the command line and then run the file explorer from it (explorer.exe)

Everything was restored normally (worked in Vista, Win7 and Win8)

Text of the CMD file:

del "C:\Users\ИМЯ_ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯ\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\*.db"
del  C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll
copy "C:\Windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-imageres_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_38b294da11970cde\imageres.dll" "C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll"
Author: Viktor Tomilov, 2018-11-26 08:37:05