How to change the color of a single link?

How to change the color of a single link?

I've tried to go to " Modify - Page properties - Links", but the settings that are put there go to all links, and it's not what I want on my site.

Author: Lucas Lima, 2014-04-28

2 answers

You can go directly in the style of the link:

<a href="#" style="color: #F00">teste</a>
Author: Bernardo, 2014-04-29 00:16:44

Build a CSS selector that hits only the link you want to color, and create the following rule in your CSS:

seu-seletor {
    color: #f00; /* vermelho - troque para a cor que quiser */

The shortest path is to put a unique ID on the link, and create a selector accordingly. For example, a link like this:

<a href="#" id="meulink">Bla bla bla</a>

Requires a selector like this:

#meulink { color: #f00; }
Author: bfavaretto, 2014-04-29 00:21:36