The system ignores the hosts file!

In the hosts file, I write:

I type the address in the Opera and iexplore browsers and see the Facebook page.
What I did:
1. ipconfig /flushdns
2. disabled the DNS client service and changed the startup type to "manual"
3. disabled all "antivirus" programs that can edit this file
4.checked the path to the hosts file in the windows registry.
5. executed nbtstat-R
What else could be the reason?
Operating system: Windows XP pro sp 3 LanOS

Author: PaulD, 2012-09-17

2 answers

Each IP must start with a new line. In your example, the second address is used as a domain name.

And also read the note in the description of hosts on Wikipedia, the item "Use when connecting via proxy servers"

Replacing the IP address with the domain name written in the line of the hosts file does not work (Windows) if a connection via Proxy-Server is used

Author: artoodetoo, 2015-06-06 10:46:56

Log in as an administrator and update windows. Then delete the hosts file and create it again, under your own user.

Also check the path to the file HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters And see if there is a hidden file in the folder

Author: Malus, 2012-09-17 16:39:11