Connecting to MySQL on Roundcube

Roundcube is a free software webmail.

I need to implement a class in HTML for connecting Roundcube with MySQL database.

I have a file that is in skin / larry/template / login.html, the idea was to change the login page. Ja write the whole page. Now I'm not understand how the RoundCube Ja connection to the database. What functions should I use.

Author: Agnaldo Marinho, 2014-05-08

1 answers

Man, I think you're kind of confused.. There is no "HTML class", HTML is a markup language only, it serves to define and display the site in the browser, to make a connection to a database you need a programming language, in case, PHP (the language in which RoundCube is made).

In case you cited they seem to use a template language to render the system pages, analyzed the page you cited, saw that the form is created in that stretch:

<roundcube:form name="form" method="post">
<roundcube:object name="loginform" form="form" size="40" submit=true />

I don't know what template language is being used, but taking a quick look I deduced I'm calling this method:

protected function login_form($attrib)

In the file: program/include / rc_mail_output_html.php

In short: you can use the HTML above to display the login form in a custom template, now to customize the form itself, or change the function that is being executed in the form's submit is something much more complicated.

You might want to look for documentation on RoundCube's own website, or contact them to find out how to better customize your own template.

Author: Matheus Ashton, 2014-05-09 19:20:52