Windows 10: impossible to unlink corporate account-delete from registry

I'm using Windows 10, more exactly the latest insider for business version.

In My Account settings I had my corporate account associated like this:

Work account

And everything was going great until when trying to connect to the VPN I started to get some certificate errors, so I went there to give it Sync but it never worked.

Because of this I assumed it was best to unlink the account and relink it, so I did it as seen in the image below, where it is clearly no longer.

Unlinked corporate account

Then I went to check in Work Access where it is supposed that there should no longer be anything, but the profile continues to appear and although you from remove always asks me to delete it from the account, step that of course I have already followed.

Impossible to delete job profile

So then I try to join the labor account again, since I no longer there is, but in doing so the system is telling me that if there is and that in effect the account is already associated.

The device is already enrolled

I have tried to delete it looking for Registry keys and PowerShell commands without success, I am very convinced that by powershell it should be possible to fix, however I have not been able to find the joke.

Author: jasilva, 2016-01-18

1 answers

Note that it is not the same to have the account linked to Azure AD, than to the MDM administration from Work access. Although the two can work with a single account, they can be exclusive.

The strange thing is that in about you should get something like "disconnect from the organization" ; Did you join manually, or was it through some company directive?

When the enrollment , the information should be hosted in a subkey below HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Enrollments

In my case it is in this: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft\Enrollments\126984d1-2765-46B7-BC31-B85A342070F2

Test removed the value that corresponds to you and see if the account is unlinked.

Author: Sergio Calderon, 2016-01-18 23:44:12