Translation of the English term "linearithmic" O (N * log N) into Russian

Linearithmic time complexity - linear-logarithmic complexity, O(N * log N)

Are there any "short" translations of the word linearithmic?

Examples (invented by me and from comments) [word length]:

  • логлинейное [11]
  • линеарное [9]
  • линлогное [9]
  • линарифмическое [15]
  • линейнологарифмическое [22]

More options?

Author: radistao, 2019-01-11

3 answers

Based on the fact that the term: Linearithmic is not generally accepted, that is, well, not Oxford, but more computer slang, I would suggest the term loglinear:

  1. It is certainly not described in the dictionaries of Dahl and Ozhegov (that is, it is approximately identical to linearithmic)
  2. Relatively euphonious, easily inclined (as opposed to linlogic)
  3. Conveys meaning (as opposed to linear)
Author: Barmaley, 2019-01-11 13:15:13

I'll bet on linarithmic.

Because "lognayny" sounds much worse :)

And let's make a bet - which term will be the first to appear in Russian-language literature? :)

- "Flimsy" means flimsy and agile. "Flimsy "means the same as "frail". You know, that word is like a wallet. Open it, and there are two compartments! So here - this word is decomposed into two!
(c) Lewis Carroll, Alice through the Looking Glass


In this book meets linarithmic difficulty :) enter a description of the image here

Author: Harry, 2019-07-04 04:55:37

Wikipedia says that a linear-logarithmic function is a special case of a quasilinear one, so this term can also be used as a translation.

Author: Герман Борисов, 2019-07-04 05:17:26