Unwanted delay effect

Problem: the animation of the desktop and soon menu is with unwanted delay (+or - 3s), but the mobile menu icon works as expected


transition-delay: 0s;
transition-delay: none;
animation-delay: 0s;
animation-delay: none;

I also tried with !important

Code: http://commandinvest.com is a template I picked up on the internet Cube

Author: Costamilam, 2018-04-06

1 answers

Your problem is in this class in the file css.css it is affecting some elements within your .gtco-nav

* {
    transition: 0.5s !important;
    transition-timing-function: linear !important;

This transition: 0.5s !important is doing this "delay" in the transition. If you put 0s in place of 0.5 s, you will see that it solves. However, as it is in the universal selector * you will have to see the best way to get around this so as not to lose the effect where you do not want.

OBS: o selector * it has a lousy performe time so it must seem more than 0.5 s, This is the worst selector when CSS has to read the whole file to put the class. Law more here http://gabsferreira.com/eficiencia-dos-seletores-css /

Author: hugocsl, 2018-04-06 15:37:36