URL has been identified as malicious and / or abusive Facebook API [closed]

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I'm creating a facebook login api and it's on a newly created test server. Less than 2 weeks and when filling in the domain facebook returned the message:

This URL has been identified as malicious and / or abusive.

Does anyone have any idea how to clean this or something... this url did not even exist two weeks ago and is already in the mal intensified. I searched on forums, on facebook and so far found nothing about it.

Author: BrTkCa, 2017-05-02

1 answers

One can open an application in the Facebook developers area, as it is the only means to understand and try to remove the domain from the radar of ill-intentioned from them.

But a quick solution is to change the URL used in the application that is on its radar. If the url is meusite.com.br change to brasil.meusite.com for example.

Author: BrTkCa, 2017-12-29 19:11:34