Use of IIFE in ES6

In ES5 it is considered good practice to use IIFE to force a local scope in our code. EX:

  // some code

In ES6 is this still necessary? Once the keyword let has been introduced for variable declaration?

Thank you.

Author: Vinicius Brasil, 2019-03-27

1 answers

When declaring variables with var in JS, you had to create a new lexical scope so as not to mess up the window (in most cases).

var abc = 1;

// => 1

// => 1

The simplest way was to create a function and call it right after, since JavaScript functions create a new lexical scope. As you mentioned, they are the IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expressions):

  var abc = 1;

// => Uncaught ReferenceError: abc is not defined

But in ES6, with the introduction of let and const, which are block-scoped declarators, this is really no longer I need it. For other uses, such as creating a namespace, or scoping variables, you still need to create a new lexical scope. But you don't need to use IIFE, in ES6+ just create a block ({ ... }).

let x = 1;

  let x = 2;

// => 1

As you may already know, all this is because:

  • var is scoped by function
  • let and const are scoped by block
Author: Vinicius Brasil, 2019-03-28 03:58:42