Visual Studio 2017. How do I delete it?

Visual Studio 2017.

Installed it. Then I tried to delete it, but it didn't work out until the end, because of a power outage in the house.

As a result,:
- Visual Studio starts and runs;
- in the " Control Panel\Programs\Programs and components" Visual Studio 2017 is missing, i.e. it cannot be deleted;
- in the start menu, see the screen.enter a description of the image here;

How do I remove Visual Studio 2017?

Author: koverflow, 2017-11-05

2 answers

And were here?

Offer to find the file InstallCleanup.exe (default C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\layout\InstallCleanup.exe) and run it with administrator rights: either with the "-i " key (if you plan to reinstall this version of Visual Studio in the future), or with the "-f " key (if you want to completely delete the product permanently). The latter option may affect components used by other installations. Visual Studio.

If there is no such file, you need to restart the installation of Visual Studio, wait until it reaches the task selection, and close the installation window. After that, the file InstallCleanup.exe should appear in the specified folder.

Author: Alex, 2017-11-06 03:02:08

Just for your case, MS has VisualStudioUninstaller

Author: Primus Singularis, 2017-11-06 08:36:37