Wampserver does not install Wordpress

I installed Wampserver on my Windows 10, only localhost did not work, because of IIs Windows, so I configured Apache to use localhost:8080.

Until there everything is fine, I can access the local installation of my wordpress, I even accessed PhpMtAdmin to create the bank, but when I get to the part of the wordpress installation that has to put in the name of the database, user, password... he does not pass this page, or rather always goes to the screen "database could not be selected"

  1. in the name of the bank I put the name of the Bank.
  2. userName, I put Root
  3. password, I leave blank because this is so in the file
  4. database server I put localhost: 8080
  5. table prefix the default wp_

Follows some information from WampServer

  • MySQL Version: 5.7.19-Port defined for MySQL: 3308
  • MariaDB Version:10.2.8 - Port defined for MariaDB: 3306
  • Apache Version: 2.4.27
  • PHP Version: 7.0.23
  • server Software: Apache / 2.4.27 (Win64) PHP / 7.0.23-Port defined for Apache: 8080

What Can is blocking the installation? Or rather, from what I understand the Wordpress installation can not connect to the bank.

Author: Alessandro Ramos, 2017-10-31

1 answers

Solved, I put the localhost with the MySQL port that was 3308, then it was localhost: 3308 . I was putting localhost: 8080

Author: Alessandro Ramos, 2017-10-31 21:57:38