We can't publish the project in the LG Store because of the icon

Dear developers, designers. Not long ago, we developed a project on the webOS OS for LG TVs. The project is developed on pure JS, our designers have prepared icons for the application according to the requirements specified in http://webostv.developer.lge.com/design/style/icon/ 3 - once we are already trying to pass verification for publishing the project, 3 times they ignore it because: https://gyazo.com/10339eb0a39755fa08a4a4805cd9cd5c

Although all icons are made according to their requirements. Has anyone ever faced a similar question? And has anyone published the project in the LG Store? Share your experience with the pozh.

1 answers

Your icon doesn't have a background (i.e. a transparent background) or it's not a solid color. Make a background fill and everything will accept

Author: Muhiddin Shamsiddinov, 2020-04-01 13:55:28