Web framework for c / c++

Hello! The question is this. I'm going to write an application where you need everything to work very quickly. The application is client-server. In the server part, I think there will be Nginx+websocket, the application is naturally c / c++. Now the question is about the web framework. If everything is clear for the case with python (nginx+tornado+django), then this is not very good due to the fact that I did not even have to think about it. Google actively offers Kore.io. The essence of the question: Who has had similar experience working with the C language and "and what came of it?" What other web framework options are there for the C language?

Author: Богдан Лещенко, 2017-01-12

1 answers

I had experience writing a multithreaded Web server in C++ (I used the Qt5 framework). It turned out to be a very stable, reliable, and most importantly flexible thing in terms of load. The main thing is to use such a class as QThreadPool Using this class frees the proger from the headache due to the fact that his web server took up too much RAM due to the large number of threads. The QThreadPool class will control the loads itself.

Author: Никола Кривошея, 2017-01-12 15:42:06