Wget with Joker in url

Is it possible to use wget with url containing Joker?, for example:

wget http://files.www.url.com/pastaDownloads/*.pdf
Author: Jefferson Quesado, 2018-03-28

1 answers

According to the wget manual and this answer in the Unix part of Stack Exchange, it is possible yes, and it would look more or less like this:

wget -r -l1 --no-parent -A.pdf http://files.www.url.com/pastaDownloads/

From the manual, with my translation and google translate:

-r -l1 it means recursively retrieve (see Recursive Download in the manual), with maximum depth = 1. --no-parent means that references to the parent directory are ignored (see directory-Based Limits manual), and -A.pdf means downloading only the files PDF. -A "*.pdf" would have worked as well (in the manual in Recursive Accept/Reject Options).

Author: Dudaskank, 2018-03-28 22:10:23