What are the differences between findFirst and findAny in Java 8?

I don't really understand the difference between findFirst() and findAny() in the Java Stream API.

I thought that findFirst() returns the first element of the stream, and findAny() returns the random element of the stream.

But when I run 2 code examples:

Stream.of(...).findFirst() and Stream.of(...).findAny()

Then they both return the first element of the stream. Why? Are they both doing the same task?

Author: Anton Sorokin, 2019-03-10

2 answers

Are they both doing the same task?

No. According to JavaDoc Stream#findAny():

Returns Optional<T>, which stores some stream element, or empty Optional<T> if the stream is empty. The behavior of this operation is undefined - it can select any element in the stream. This allows you to ensure maximum performance in parallel operations;

That is, for a non-parallel stream, it will return the first element. And with a parallel stream, it can return any element.

Then how Stream#findFirst() returns Optional<T>, which stores strictly the first element of the stream.

Author: Anton Sorokin, 2019-03-10 07:08:29

Apparently, there is also a misunderstanding of the goals of the existence of Stream.of(...).findAny(). You probably shouldn't use this method to generate a random value. Still, it is assumed that this method will be preceded by a filter() with a predicate that will somehow reduce the selection and any (first, fifth, whatever, any means any) element will be taken from this filtered stream.

Author: Владимир Карсанов, 2020-11-23 21:13:24