When do I need a JBoss server? [closed]

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I am an avid fan of the Java language, but apart from tomcat-a, I did not use anything else as a web server, I did not have to. Please help me understand what the charms areJBoss, Websphere, EJB etc., by compared to the same onesSpring, Hibernate etc.

Author: ermak0ff, 2011-02-15

2 answers

The answer to your questions deserves, if not a separate book, then a large article.

You should read all sorts of articles and discussions from the category EJB vs Spring.

The main functional difference is that EJB allows you to make remote calls over the network. I.e., it allows you to build distributed systems. For this purpose, there are several types of such EJB-bins. For normal operation of the EJB, you need an EJB container. Tomcat does not contain such a thing. To do this, you need at least Glassfish. JBoss is also often used for this purpose.

Hibernate is a JPA technology that does not contradict in any way with EJB (and even more so with JBoss), so this is generally "off topic".

Author: cy6erGn0m, 2011-02-15 21:10:55

Good afternoon!

I must say, in the question you are confusing technologies and containers. In particular, Tomcat, JBoss, and WebSphere are application servers. As for EJB, Spring, and Hibernate, they are essentially frameworks for solving various kinds of problems.

A Tomcat server is a global web server consisting of a number of components (coyote (http connector), jasper (JSP translator), catalina (servlet container itself), etc.).

JBoss and WebSphere servers are well-known servers applications that implement a large set of different J2EE frameworks/specifications. The main task of these solutions is the implementation of any business tasks. For example, the EJB technology has an implementation in both JBoss and WebSphere. Each of these servers has its own implementation.

The Spring and Hibernate frameworks can be used on any of them.

Author: nantipov, 2011-02-24 10:24:05