What characterizes a "basic CRUD" project?

Turn and a half a question appears talking about application "CRUD basic".

I understand that the application basically contains so-called" Registration screens", from where they manipulate tables in which they apply to four operations: Create (insert), Read (query), Update (update) and Delete (Delete).

But the definition may not be very clear to some. Particularly I never had to implement these screens entirely (by luck or by bad luck), so I don't have the systemic view of how they are implemented.

Is there anything besides that that is important to know?

Anything else that is implicit in said expression?

Author: Piovezan, 2019-02-01

2 answers

As described in uncomplicated WordPress blog article :

CRUD is the acronym for the English language expression, Create), Read (query), Update (Update) and Delete (destruction). It acronym is commonly used to define the four operations basics used in relational databases.

Therefore, the term CRUD refers more to operations, and not to the system itself, however, according to Wikipedia:

Raw these are the four basic operations used in databases relational data provided to users of the system. Other acronyms can be used to define the same operations: ABCD: Add, Browse, Change and Delete BREAD: Browse, Read, Edit, Add and Delete VADE: View, Add, Delete, Edit.

One can then make a distinction between the query types present in the system, I think then that a basic CRUD system would be one that performs only these four operations without the use of other features of relational databases. It is also worth reading the following article from Code Academy about CRUD and REST services: what is cruel?

Author: Neto Costa, 2020-02-05 12:54:55

There are some types of pages that fall into the CRUD concept.

Of Course, there are all the pages that are justified in the name of CRUD (Create , Rwatch - Update D - elete), shown in the DAO and DTO (D - ata Orccess In thebject, and D - ata T - ransfer in Thebject, respectively), but the basic CRUD for you only the way to represent the (computationally), and manipulate the data. Overall in MVC architecture (Model-View-Control) CRUD represents the layer between Model and View, being manipulated by Control.

For this to be possible you need pages that interact with CRUD in the way the system should react, and this depends on the system (after all there are n forms of development, and the one that has taken more force lately is the SPA - Single Page application thanks to tools such as ReactJs or VueJs), and in account.

For example, imagine the flow of data on a screen that shows the users of a system and you need to make an interaction between the results of the Bank queries on that intermediate page (kind of some more complex calculation that must be done before arriving in the View). soon the flow would be: System prompts - > intermediate page selects which CRUD pages to use - > CRUD reads database data (n reads n tables, grouped or not) - > data arrives on page intermediate and are processed -> processed data goes to the highest layer (either directly to The View or to the control to be reinserted into the view)

Author: Helton Fábio, 2019-02-01 22:07:44