What does a class field that contains an object of this class mean?


In the code, there is often such a construction (in any c-like language).

class One {

One instanse; //Вот эта строчка не понятна

... //Здесь дальнейшая реализация

Such a line is always found in the singleton and (if I understand correctly) is called a global access point. The class field itself, in which the class object is enclosed, makes me think of recursion, which is completely incomprehensible.


  1. What does this field mean?
  2. What is this field used for?
  3. How is this even possible? After all, a class is the essence of a stamp, and an object is a cast from a stamp. It turns out that the stamp contains a cast? And each instance already contains an instance of itself?
  4. Optional - where and in what book (site) is this clearly described?
Author: Visman, 2017-11-13

1 answers

Here in this form

class One {
    One instanse;

This is a common property of an object. No one prevents an object from having a property of the same class to which it belongs. For example, you can implement the rhyme " Behind the tree is a tree, and behind the tree is a tree, and behind the tree is a tree, that's the end of the forest (i.e. in the last object is the field null)". In principle, this is how you can describe any tree-like (recursive) structure. Here's a binary tree node for example:

class Node {
    Node left;
    Node right;

If we see such a

class One {
    private static One instanse;

Then here, this field is a class field. That is, it is common to all instances of the class. Usually such constructions, together with a private constructor and the getInstance() method:

private One(){...}

public static One getInstance() {  //самая простая реализация
    if(instance == null) instance = new One();
    return instance;

Ensures that one and only one instance of this class will be created, which will be stored in the instance field and can be separated via One.getInstance(). I.e., singleton.

Author: rjhdby, 2017-11-13 19:45:03