What does a hacker need to know? [closed]

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What you need to know to do this: YouTube: Hackers have fun? Namely, what technologies, OSI levels, etc., do you need to know well?

6 answers

  • The first is to run. It's good to run, because as soon as they catch up, they will give you a good run.
  • Second, you need to understand what is now fashionable to call a "smart home" - when light, heat and other communications are managed centrally. It is clear that if the light is turned on only by an ordinary switch, then be in the tenth generation a hereditary "hacker" - nothing will work. Therefore, it is very good to study electronics and electrical engineering, at least at the basic level of the faculty of the RTF type. Be able to hold in your hands soldering iron-welcome.
  • Third - English. Just a lot of literature on it and it will be much easier with it.
  • Fourth, given the latest trends - and Chinese (to read the docks in the original).
  • Fifth-tetris / shooting game to be able to write, then display on the screen is not a thing. But you need to be able to. It is advisable to learn c++/assembler. Other languages should not be disdained either.
  • And finally-a lot of free time, the desire to learn and not give up and a little good luck.
Author: KoVadim, 2011-11-18 15:16:29

I think that for this you need to know well the programs for video editing. What's the most popular thing out there right now, Adobe Premiere, Sony Vegas? Because even a person with basic knowledge of physics, electrical engineering, logic will understand that this is editing and computer graphics. It makes no sense to list all the shortcomings, but the picture really looks far from life.

As for how you can hack a real smart home, I can quote my teacher, who once said: "If if you want to learn how to hack a system, first learn how to protect it." Otherwise, I think other posts have already covered the topic.

Author: NeedForS, 2011-11-18 20:27:49

The most important tip for a novice hacker - > hack a resource from your home computer. Start experimenting, then share your impressions.

Author: Вячеслав Кириченко, 2011-11-18 20:21:39

Hmm, why in all these years has no one even mentioned that one of the most important elements ( if not the most important ) is the team, like-minded people, people who share interests and are obsessed with a common idea. After all, from communication and a sense of their integrity with them comes the very enthusiasm, the true hacker spirit, in which the power is contained ;)

P.S And even if the video is just a fake, but through it you can clearly see how important team work is work.

Author: Heisenberg, 2014-08-17 14:54:26

How to become a hacker?

Becoming a hacker is very easy!

It is enough to learn and understand: mathematical disciplines (mathematical analysis, theory of functions of a complex variable, algebra, geometry, probability theory, mathematical statistics, mathematical logic and discrete mathematics), engineering disciplines (physics, computer hardware, fundamentals of radio electronics, communication networks and information protection from technical intelligence), programming disciplines and computer engineering (computer science, high-level programming languages, programming methods, assembly language, operating systems, DBMS and computer networks), special disciplines (cryptography, and the theoretical foundations of computer system security).

This is a fairly complete list. But if you want to become not just a hacker, but a real expert in your field, then you also need to know:

  • cryptographic methods in state security systems, confidential and commercial information;
  • cryptographic methods in information security and decryption systems;
  • mathematical models of processes that occur in the protection of information;
  • methods for solving probabilistic, statistical, and algorithmic problems of cryptographic analysis, synthesis of cryptographic systems, and cryptographic protocols;
  • methods for constructing mathematical models of protected information, ciphers, and cipher systems;
  • conversion methods information in various types of networks;
  • ensuring the reliability of the functioning of encryption equipment and testing software and hardware implementations of cryptographic algorithms;
  • general methodology of cryptographic analysis and estimation of cryptographic strength of cryptographic systems;
  • determination of information leakage channels by measuring and calculating the parameters of dangerous signals;
  • the main provisions of the theory of electrical circuits;
  • basic principles of organization of communication systems and networks, features of modern network architectures;
  • the main types of ciphers, cipher systems, cryptographic protocols, and security systems;
  • features of software development and maintenance for working groups and paraprogramming.

(c)B. Lavrentiev ( COMPUTERWORLD/KIEV)

Author: Opalosolo, 2013-10-08 17:14:08

Know the basics of assembler, and be able not to burn iron with the help of assembler, and then it will all be done by itself

Author: dajver, 2011-11-19 14:48:51