What does return *this c++return?

Return *this returns the object itself, and MyClass & converts as an object reference (well, or MyClass & indicates that return *this (that is, the object) is a reference)?

Explain what and how and then I'm confused

MyClass & operator = (const MyClass& other) 
// Код...
// Код...
// Код...
// Код...
   return *this; 
Author: ZELIBOBA, 2020-01-02

1 answers

Returns a reference to the caller to call the methods sequentially.

To avoid confusion, you need to understand how objects can be passed in C++. And they can be passed: by value, by pointer, and by reference.

Since this is a pointer, it must first be dereferenced. The reference behaves exactly like the object itself, its original. Therefore, this is also possible:

object.method() = variable;

In your case, the method is operator=(). Overloaded operators have associativity it is saved, so everything will work as it should:

object_1 = object_2 = object_3;

Whereas, for example, operator+() will work by default with reverse associativity:

object_1 + object_2 + object_3;
Author: megorit, 2020-01-02 13:46:12