What does the solution make comparisons against strings in the following code? JS

The statement of the exercise is : Declare the weekday variable that receives a string "Sunday". Then implement a conditional using the if that compares if dayweek equals "Sunday", if true print a string " today is football day!!!".

I made the following code:

var diaDeSemana = "domingo";

if ( "domingo" === diaDeSemana) {

  console.log("hoje é dia de futebol!");


The solution is accepted, but the warning appears that it compares against strings! I have searched the internet about the different ways of comparison, but I did not find any result for this error.

Author: Stéphanie Verissimo, 2019-08-29

7 answers

What you did is right. I see no need to compare in any other way in an exercise except somewhere you have a string.

What you can do is declare the right answer in a variable as well and then compare those variables. This is sometimes used when the server is the one giving the right answer in a variable of fetch.

For example:

const RESPOSTA_CERTA = 'domingo';

function oQueFazerHoje(diaDeSemana) {
  if (diaDeSemana === RESPOSTA_CERTA) return 'hoje é dia de futebol!';


At work we use a lot the practice of declaring static/constant string variables in letters uppercase to be clear to the programmer that he is using a constant. In addition to avoiding errors, it is also good practice not to write the mesta string multiple times in different variables... I have even created a tool to change javaScript and do this in code automatically.

Author: Sergio, 2019-08-29 02:27:18

I solved this problem as follows:

var diaDeSemana = "domingo";

var dia = 'domingo';

if (diaDeSemana == dia)

  console.log("Hoje é dia de futebol!!!");

Without displaying the error message!

Author: Expedito Dias, 2019-11-21 10:55:53

I am redoing the exercise and found this solution:

var diaCerto = "domingo"
var diaDeSemana = diaCerto

if(diaDeSemana == diaCerto){
  console.log("Hoje é dia de futebol!!!")
Author: Stéphanie Verissimo, 2020-03-09 22:27:04
var diaDeSemana = "domingo";    
var valorComparativo = "domingo";    
if (diaDeSemana === valorComparativo) {    
  console.log("hoje é dia de futebol!");    
Author: Romullo Ferreira, 2019-12-04 11:24:48
var diaDeSemana = "domingo";
var dia = 'domingo';
if ( diaDeSemana === dia) {

  console.log("hoje é dia de futebol!");

Author: Miguel Schmitt, 2019-11-25 11:12:36
let diaDeSemana = "domingo"

let dia = "domingo"

if (diaDeSemana == dia)

  console.log("Hoje é dia de futebol!!!");
Author: Srt4.Patrícia, 2019-11-23 19:55:34
var diaDeSemana = "domingo";

if ( diaDeSemana = "domingo" ) {

  console.log("hoje é dia de futebol!");


In this way and the correct Sunday is being assigned to the day of the week, it cannot be compared, for we know that it is already a day of the week.

Author: Rafael, 2019-11-29 13:50:52