What if there is not a supported wheel on this platform when installing?

Trying to install tensorflow on Windows, Python 3.5

In the console:

C:\Users\Администратор\pip install --upgrade httpd://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/windows/cpu/tensorflow-0.12.1-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl

tensorflow-0.12.1-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform

How to fix it?

Author: m9_psy, 2017-04-23

1 answers

In short: the bit depth of the OS and Python must match - in this case, in both cases-64.

Wheel - a special format for installing packages. It is a simple ZIP archive with the necessary files, while in fact the build stage is excluded from the installation. For example, when installing a wheel, there is no need to compile Python extensions (.pyd, .so), which are included in some packages that work with low-level C code. For example, numpy, scipy, tensorflow. You do not need to compile, because the compiled files are already included in the archive and you (the package installer) only need to unpack the files and put them in the desired folder. Since the compiled files have a different format for at least different operating systems, different wheels are collected. You can navigate by name - win in the name says that the wheel was built specifically for Windows and will not work on other OSS. Also, you must observe the bit depth of both the OS and the interpreter itself-if the wheel is assembled for 64 (amd64 in the name), the OS and the interpreter must be of the same bit depth. Not all packages, however, are separated by bit depth and OS - many are written in bare Python and no matter where they are installed.

Author: m9_psy, 2017-04-25 16:23:19