What is a build? в.NET?

What is an assembly in .net? Here, for example, I understand .exe or .dll files are assemblies. You can only connect namespaces from assemblies that have been connected, right? Then why does Richter write that in mscorlib.dll it contains all the basic types of FCL, i.e. string object int, etc., that is, it essentially contains BCL, but I can still connect the System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace. Or did Richter mean that that assembly contains all the types FCL?

Author: MSDN.WhiteKnight, 2018-11-24

1 answers

What is a build in .net? Here, for example, I understand .exe or .dll files are assemblies

An assembly is a logical structural unit .NET applications. Usually an assembly is really a single EXE or DLL file, but in general it can also consist of several files. See Assembly contents

You can only connect namespaces from assemblies that have been connected, right?


Then why does Richter write that in mscorlib.dll contains all the basic types of FCL, i.e. string object int, etc., i.e. essentially contains BCL, but I can still connect the namespace System. Text.RegularExpressions

The question is not very clear. It seems that Richter is not lying, and System. Text.RegularExpressions is contained in the assembly System.dll.

Author: MSDN.WhiteKnight, 2018-11-24 11:22:53