What is a test case and a bug report, and what is the difference between them?

As I understand it test case(what needs to be checked/performed - is it our task to determine and write down, or are we being written what needs to be checked?) consists of The action being performed (Action) – The expected result (Expected result) – The actual result (Test result).

But bug report has the same components, only more extensive.

• Short description (short description of the problem).

• Severity (gradation of degree impact on the application of the error).

• Priority (error correction queue).

• Status (displays the error status in its lifecycle).

• Playback steps (description of the path that leads to the defect).

• The actual result (the result that we arrive at after completing all the playback steps).

• The expected result (the result that will be in accordance with the requirements).

Author: edem, 2019-08-27

2 answers

The main difference between the test case and error report consists in the fact that the first is a task, and the second is the result of its execution, together with a report written for it, on the basis of which new tasks will be set for those who will have to correct the errors found.

Author: edem, 2019-08-27 19:56:19

Test case - test scenario. Step-by-step scenario, actions, and expected result after each of them.

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The error report is also a step-by-step scenario, but the described actions are not used to check the performance, but to ensure that the error is reproduced.

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As you can see, in the case of the error description, all the steps, except the last one, do not contain the checked result at all. But the last step contains both the expected and the actual one. And the actual one clearly indicates abnormal behavior.

Author: Lexx918, 2019-08-28 11:19:49