What is Harvard architecture?

Reading a few things about architecture, in several cases Harvard architecture is compared with Von Neumann architecture. I found here in SO this question about What is Von Neumann architecture?, but it has no quotation or comparison with that of Harvard.

What is Harvard architecture about? How does it work? What advantages does it have over Von Neumann's architecture?

Author: viana, 2017-07-04

1 answers

There are two main differences for Von Neumann architecture:

  • code and data are considered quite different things and are managed separately, in different places.
  • Architecture Communication Control is central allowing communication operations to be performed simultaneously.

The separation of code and data proved to be of little advantage and concurrency was obtained by other forms in the Von Neumann architecture, more complex, it is true. So she never gained traction.

Today it is used in very specific devices, in general in a hybrid way. A cache System often looks more like Harvard than Von Neumann. Intel's L1 Cache separates data code. Of course addressing is treated differently, but like Von Neumann.

Harvard Architecture

Author: Maniero, 2017-07-05 11:22:42