What is shown in the picture?

I came across this service, the question arose, is there the same API services to which I can send an image and get the answer that is contained in the image? Thus, I want to remove the manual moderation of images uploaded to the site (PHP YII2), which is aimed at countering the loading of, for example, pornographic images.

Author: sanmai, 2017-12-26

2 answers

I would start by creating a complaint system. It is enough to complicate the process of creating an account(captcha + mail + phone, on a budget) and give the opportunity to complain about images. And as a result of checking the image by the algorithm, either the first report will be given, or not. Obviously, of course, but so far in most projects everything is happening(even without an initial check).
Neural networks are expensive in terms of resource consumption, so this functionality will either be paid for, or it will be be provided in a limited amount. Alternatively, SightEngine.
You can also get away from the idea of using the API and implement the required functionality on the server - NudePy, node-nude, php-nudity-detector. Or on the client - NudeJS, but there is no guarantee that an attacker who is targeting your service will not send the image directly. You can combine the two approaches by giving a rating for the report system when loading the image, which is depends on the results of passing two or more tests.
There are no universal solutions, it all depends on the project...

Author: NoTrust, 2017-12-28 17:49:39

An alternative suggestion is to use the Mechanical Turk service from Amazon. The role of intellectual agents there is performed by human beings - "turkers", and very inexpensive:)

The point is that for each uploaded image, automatically create a task via the Amazon boto3 API, the task gets in the queue, someone who hangs out there takes it and executes it. The typical cost of such a task is 1-2 cents. There are enough people who are ready to click on the link for 1 cent and answer the question "is the picture decent? [yes | no]". You can also pick up the answer automatically via boto3, you can also automatically confirm the task and transfer funds to the turker. For reliability, you can demand to perform one task (checking one image) with 2-3 turkers, compare the answers after executing the script, if the answers do not converge, give a signal and check someone manually, and complain about those who gave incorrect answers - they will be blocked.

Here is such here is technological regression in the field of artificial intelligence-machines will not easily defeat people. Any AI system for checking images will be more expensive and will work worse. So far, so good. There are many similar services, their value, of course, is directly proportional to the number/quality of "turkers" hanging out on it - MTURK is the leader in this area.

P.S. The suggestion to the moderators is to create a mechanical-turk tag, this technology is already quite popular.

Author: Eugene Bartosh, 2017-12-31 07:24:55