What is the correct name for the difference between 0x000000 and #000000?

There is a color that is denoted by 0x000000, and there is #000000.

What is the correct name for the difference between them?

Here is the first option, if I'm not mistaken, the 16-bit format..

Author: Nofate, 2015-10-22

2 answers

No, they are just different characters to represent the same hexadecimal format of writing a number. Unlike you, the interpreter needs to know exactly what number system you are using there and that would somehow distinguish the bases, put different characters. In this case, both characters mean the same thing 0x{hex} = #{hex} = hex.

As a rule, this is simply referred to as the "form of writing" of a number.

Author: Alex Krass, 2015-10-22 11:55:34

And the second one too)) hex if otherwise

Author: arkadij_ok, 2015-10-22 11:47:19