How to insert date and datetime into a table in MySQL?

Error inserting data of type date and datetime

The big problem is that after insert, all the values that have date, are as zeros and in the format yyyy-dd-mm and not dd/mm/yyyy, as it was initially entered. How can I insert these values into the formatting I want?

Author: Filipe.Fonseca, 2014-05-30

2 answers

You cannot directly enter data in any format you want in MySQL for Fields datetime and timestamp. The format MySQL uses is the ISO standard: AAAA-MM-DD HH:MM:SS and some variants in the same order.

However, this does not prevent the user from converting the formats at the time of input and output of the data-remembering that in any case, the storage format will remain the same in the DB.

See how to do this conversion using MySQL's own functions:

to display dates as dd/mm/aaaa in SELECT:

With the function DATE_FORMAT( data, formato ) you can convert a date into a formatted string.

Example for your table:

SELECT usr_idusuario, DATE_FORMAT( evn_dtevento, "%d/%m/%Y" ) AS data_evento FROM evn_evento;

How to use a string dd/mm/aaaa when doing INSERT:

The function that does the inverse of the above example is STR_TO_DATE( string, formato ).

Applying to your table:

INSERT INTO usr_idusuario SET evn_dtevento = STR_TO_DATE( "31/05/2014", "%m/%d/%Y" ), ...

How to use a string dd/mm/aaaa in the clause WHERE:

SELECT campos FROM tabela WHERE dia = STR_TO_DATE( "31/05/2014", "%m/%d/%Y" );

Or for a range:

SELECT campos FROM tabela
           STR_TO_DATE( "01/05/2014", "%m/%d/%Y" ) AND
           STR_TO_DATE( "31/10/2014", "%m/%d/%Y" ) ;

Placeholders of the most common formats for our locale :

%d   Dia (00..31)
%e   Dia (0..31)
%m   Mês (00..12)
%y   Ano (dois dígitos)
%Y   Ano (quatro dígitos)
%%   Caractere %
%H   Horas (00..23)
%i   Minutos (00..59)
%s   Segundos (00..59)
%T   Hora completa ( 24 horas, formato hh:mm:ss)

The formats are listed in full in the MySQL manual (en)

Author: Bacco, 2018-04-16 10:30:49

The default format is YYYY-MM-DD, to extract the information must be treated in the application or in the query.

Creating the default value field in the bank, or passing now() into INSERT.

Will thus be completed with the current value.

Author: Welisson Carlos Dias, 2018-11-05 20:59:51