What is the difference between build and linkage?

Have I seen some representations where the Build is in the same place as when the linkage happens, are the two the same thing?

Author: Maniero, 2020-06-14

1 answers

Are not the same. A linkage it is one of the steps that the build realize. The Build can accomplish many things, even building the application or complete solution, some of these steps that are not even part of the process of creating the executable, but certainly generating the executable is the most important.

In general you have at least two very clear steps: a basiccompilation; a linkage.

But some technologies may not be well like this, either because they are interpreted or the linkage can not be dissociated from the compilation, even if internally they are distinct.

The term in this way is most often used in languages that are used more directly and classically as C, C++ or Rust.

Author: Maniero, 2020-06-15 14:56:27