What is the difference between React-router BrowserRouter and HashRouter?

Tell me, what is the difference between BrowserRouter and HashRouter? And in which cases is it better to use this or that option?

Author: Александр, 2019-06-28

1 answers

Short answer:

Both of them will create a special history object. You should use BrowserRouter if you have a server that responds to requests, and HashRouter if you use a static file server like GithubPages

Detailed response:


Uses the Browser history API (popstate , replaceState as well as methods pushState) also does not support older browsers (IE 9 and below)

  <App />

basename - The base path for all locations.


<BrowserRouter basename="/technologies">
    <Link to="/js"/> // рендерит <a href="/technologies/js">
    <Link to="/python"/> // рендерит  <a href="/technologies/python">

getUserConfirmation - The function is used to confirm navigation.You can use this option when you have <MemoryRouter> directly with <Prompt>.

Roughly speaking, when it is not necessary to let the user go from the page (for example, the form began to fill out and threw)

forceRefresh - If the value is true router it will completely refresh the pages every time you click on them.

keyLength - Specifies how long the location.key property should be, the default value is 6. (Maximum of 11 characters although this is not written in the documentation)


Uses hash in URL ( window.location.hash ) for manipulating routes

  <App />

hashType - The encoding type to use in window.location.hash.Available values slash , noslash and hashbang.

  • slash - Creates a hash like #/ also #/main/profile
  • noslash - Creates a hash like # also #main/profile
  • hashbang - The third option is outdated and not supported by Google-I do not use and do not advise

The answer has been updated, but I will leave my old answer also here (below), maybe someone will need it.

It's very simple.

For browser projects, there are BrowserRouter and HashRouter components. BrowserRouter - should be used when you process dynamic requests on the server, and HashRouter should be used when you have a static web website.

Here is an example:

If you upload a React project to github using BrowserRouter and gh-pages, it won't work.More precisely, the routes will not work.


Yes, because this is a static project and here you need to use HashRouter an example of the project is here you can take a look .As you can see from the code, I use HashRouter

If your project involves using a backend, then use BrowserRouter

Author: Избыток Сусликов, 2020-07-02 18:11:03