What is the difference between software, program, app, app and system?

Obvious question that has long escaped being asked here in SOpt.

  • software
  • program
  • Application / Application
  • App
  • Information System

What's the difference?

I believe I know the answer, but let's see if there is agreement between the definitions and who knows comes out some insight.

Author: Piovezan, 2019-11-08

3 answers

First, some definitions:

  • Software
    A set of instructions or data that operate the hardware.

  • Programme
    A set of instructions that define tasks to be performed by the computer.

  • Application / Application
    software designed to perform a variety of functions, focusing on task.

  • App
    software developed for a single purpose or function, or that focuses on the main technological aspects of specific devices.

  • Information System
    Set of interrelated software components that collect, process, store, and provide output of information for commercial purposes.

As you can see, there is quite a lot of overlap between concepts.

software and program are interchangeable in most situations; and the entire app is a program, which is therefore a software.

A Information Systemcan be composed of several modules, including one or more appsand apps. And all these modules are software .

Author: OnoSendai, 2020-12-23 22:22:48

The definitions are infinite and can vary from the most generic possible, where probably the terms can be considered synonymous, the most methodical definitions resorting to origins of the spelling of words and the context of emergence, where probably some of the terms can be discriminated.

In a quick analysis on my part, without resorting to large research and focusing on the context of use, I believe that what stands out most from the others is the term "App", which naturally it refers us to mobile applications. Just a googlada that will see that the biggest references are in this context mobile.

Follows the first definition I found: App is a nickname given to the term "app" (which comes from the English application). You will also hear other ways to call the App such as: mobile app, mobile app, mobile app. But after all, what is an App? - App Factory blog https://blog.fabricadeaplicativos.com.br › manufactures " but-after all-what-and-a-app

Author: Diego Aguiar, 2019-11-12 22:13:18

Software = Program = Application = App. In practice, all the same.

Nowadays when we talk about "app" most people relate to mobile app. But, nothing is more than App = Application = Application.

Already the Information System, can be considered something more comprehensive since it does not have to be directly with Informatics but in a set of data that saw information. That is, a phonebook on paper can be an information system.

Author: Fabio Santos, 2020-12-23 22:31:40