What is the difference between VisuAlg and Portugol?

I'm seeing here a big rummage in the tags visualg and portugol. From the tag wiki, it seems that VisuAlg would be the interpreter and Portugol would be the language itself.

  • VisuAlg is considered as a programming language?1
  • if so, does it have a syntactic difference between them?
  • What is the distinction between these two entities?
  • Portugol had been formally defined in the 1980s by Professors Mannso and Nicolodi. Is Portugol taught in colleges still compatible with that definition? Or was there some way to add more functionality? Or does each teacher follow his own language?
  • What is the correct spelling? visualg, VisuAlg, VisualG, Visualg, VISUALG?

Additional reading

(that even then I was not totally satisfied and continued in doubt)


  1. I am using a softer definition of programming language that includes pseudocodes
Author: UzumakiArtanis, 2017-10-25

5 answers

First let's go to the definitions of both.

Definition of Portugol :

Portugol is a pseudo-language algorithmic widely used in description of algorithms, which stands out for the use of commands in Portuguese, what facilitates the learning of programming logic, accustoming the beginner with programming formalism.

Definition of VisuAlg (algorithm viewer) :

VisuAlg is a application for Windows that allows you to edit, interpret and run algorithms with a language close to structured Portuguese like a normal computer program.

A second definition of VisuAlg:

VisuAlg is a very powerful yet simple tool, similar to Portugol, of great popularity in the academic circles and present in the most used books.

Now the questions:

VisuAlg is considered as a programming language?

VisuAlg is an interpreter created by Apoio Informática, it reads and interprets in a language close to structured Portuguese(Portugol) like a normal computer program.

The current VisuAlg patent is on behalf of one of the developer idealizing the interpreter, Professor Antonio Carlos Nicolodi

Do you have a syntactic difference between them?

As in the Update says, until the Version 2.0 the official language of VisuAlg was Portugol, however, since it caused many inconveniences by accents, words with or without "ç".In short it is a version of Portugol that is not Case Sensitive, and mainly in its commands is accepted in more than one way for example the for that for Portugol is just this basic structure: x de 1 ate 10 faca in the Visualg language it can be FAÇA ATÉ for example(uppercase, without the letterhead and with accent). Structurally speaking there is almost nothing, since it is also a pseudo code the way to structure the data is the same

What is the distinction between these two entities?

I believe that the definition and previous answers explain this question.

Portugol was formally defined in the 1980s by professors Mannso and Nicolodi. The Portugol taught in the faculties is it still compatible with that of this definition? Or was there any how to add more features? Or each teacher follows his own language?

There is no definite date for the creation of Portugol, what was possible to find was that from 72 , with the establishment of Decree n° 70.370, with the creation of CAPRE(Coordination Commission of electronic processing activities), which investments, improvements and standardization related to the technical area of the branch, leading to believe that in the mid-70s was also created Portugol definitions of the GOAT is:

Coordinate training programs at all levels of techniques computational resources, making use of existing resources in universities, schools and research centers

From 2005 (Year of the launch of VisuAlg) began to be used in numerous universities and places of education, however as the teacher himself clarified,it is still the standard taught for places of education, the same is no longer valid for VisuAlg, choosing to teach with VisuAlg, currently means learning a dialect of Portugol, but not it, at least not 100%, its form of development is the same (after all it is a pseudocode too), but with some improvements that differs from Portugol, but if you use VisuAlg for teaching will be the standard language of the compiler(modified Portugol).

Note: lacks more technical sources for a complete result, however, as said in another answer, @JoséDiz had contact still in the 70s, possibly arising between the dated period (72) and which he found in his books(77).

What is the correct spelling? visualg, VisuAlg, VisualG, Visualg, VISUALG?

On the Creators website is VisuAlg, with the capital" V "and the capital" A " so I believe this is the correct spelling. Note : Currently if you enter the official page of VisuAlg 3.0(current) is written VisualG, in the manual this VISUALG and visualg, but until the Version 2.0 was VisuAlg.

Personal opinion: the change I believe was another form of marketing, The New VisuAlg logo, is with the G and not the A in capital while in previous versions it is in the old spelling. In the manual appears different from both the site and previous versions, I believe that there was no care to write in the correct spelling precisely because it was set up to be something didactic, preferring the content than taking care of the way you write VisuAlg, today I do not see much problem of writing the way you want, precisely for this reason.


I contacted Professor Antonio Carlos Nicolodi, one of the creators of Portugol and VisuAlg and that's what he said:

When I did Visualg ( https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visualg ) together with professor Claudius in the first versions up to 2.0 was only compatible with pure portugol because in PORTUGOL it is commonly used accentuations and Ç (C Cedilla) in expressions (commands and functions) and Visualg not, in addition, in PORTUGOL there are only simple commands for the resolution of problems, without worrying about some features like CLEARPARTEL that clears the user's screen, for example. After version 2.5 i and the Claudio we created new commands and features, which portugol did not have or he didn't.

In the visualg pseudo language (up to version 2.5), both the teacher Claudio, as much as I, we create a language similar to portugol because it was in lowercase and they did not accept "Ç, ç" and accents like: "Yeah, ã " of our Portuguese language.

Where in PORTUGOL they appeared in the commands of many literatures (books and magazines) like:


For x from 1 to 10 do ....

Already in VISUALG 2.0 or 2.5 would look like this:

For X from 1 to 10 knife / / (until and not until or knife and not do) and how it caused a lot of inconvenience for many users (students/teachers) may not even work in Visualg, leaving the user confused as he did not know if he had typed correctly or not even having copied correctly from the available materials, I they always warned them that the Visualg language was a version functional but not equal to PORTUGOL (so should-without taking care)

From the time prof. Claudio left me alone developing this project and I created the version 3.0, (http://visualg3.com.br/)

In this version I decided that this would change, so for compatibility, when the algorithms were written in lowercase they could be da old Form

Ex. for X from 1 to 10 knife

But when commands are capitalized they can write with accentuation and Ç (C Cedilla) like this:

E.g. for x from 1 to 10 make


Author: Daniel Gentil, 2017-11-01 22:00:28

I contacted portugol at 1977, as support in learning structured algorithms. Therefore, I was surprised by the statement that " Portugol was formally defined in the 1980s". Now, how could something have been created in the 1980s if years earlier it had already been taught to hundreds of students in the discipline computer programming, at UFMG?

I also noticed that there are other web pages that bring the same misinformation , trying associate the creation of portugol with specific people... As Joseph Goebbels said, "a lie repeated a thousand times becomes true."

Portugol is only a pseudo language for formalization of structured algorithms, in which the technique of successive refinements is used. This technique involves starting from an abstract point and gradually reducing the level of abstraction, until it reaches the point where it is possible to code the algorithm in some computer language. In at the time, in the exact sciences courses of UFMG was used the language Algol , compiled, available on large computer(mainframe) from Burroughs . Later, with the advent of microcomputers and the launch of TurboPascal by the company Borland, Pascal became the language of choice for teaching computer programming by some educational institutions. This in the 1980s.

The source do portugol is related to the ideas and books of Niklaus Wirth, at the time. It is not by chance that it is related to Algol and Pascal languages.

In my opinion, any attempt to implement "portugol" interpreters and compilers curtails all the authoring freedom available in portugol. It ceases to be the portugol and becomes just a caricature of it.

This is an excerpt of text found on the back cover of the book algorithms and Data:
a pseudolinguagem (PORTUGOL) was introduced that allows the reader to develop algorithms in Portuguese in a simple and intuitive way, regardless of programming language (loaded with restrictions and requirements).
The implementation of algorithms developed in PORTUGOL is done with ease from a mapping to the desired programming language.

Author: José Diz, 2017-10-30 12:21:07

The language VisuAlg interprets is very simple: It is a Portuguese version of the pseudocodes widely used in books of introduction to programming, known as "Portugol". The VisuAlg language allows only one command per line: thus, there is no need for structure separator tokens, such as the semicolon in Pascal. There is also no concept of command blocks (which correspond to begin and end of Pascal and { e } of C), nor bypass commands hardcore like goto.

In the current version of VisuAlg, with the exception of the input and output routines, there is no built-in subprogram, such as Inc(), Sqr(), Ord(), Chr(), Pos(), Copy() or others. The basic format of our pseudocode is as follows:

algoritmo "semnome"
// Função :
// Autor :
// Data : 
// Seção de Declarações 
// Seção de Comandos 

The first line consists of the algorithm keyword followed by its name delimited by double quotes. This name will be used as a title in data reading windows (in future versions of VisuAlg, perhaps use this data in other ways).

The following section is the variable declaration section, which ends with the line containing the start keyword. From this point on is the command section, which continues to the line in which the keyword fimalgorithm is found.

Source: http://eletrica.ufpr.br / ~rogerio/visualg/Help/linguagem.htm

Author: Bruna, 2017-10-30 12:44:44

Portugol is a pseudo-language, created to demonstrate the use of algorithms. It is present in most of the teaching materials, in Portuguese.

Source: http://www.wsantos.eti.br/computacao/conteudo.html?{C5396B5A-C41E-487E-B2C0-86F605CC01E0}.htm

The Language VisuAlg interprets is very simple: It is a Portuguese version of the pseudocodes widely used in books of introduction to programming, known as "Portugol".

Source: http://eletrica.ufpr.br / ~rogerio/visualg/Help/linguagem.htm

Author: Mayra, 2017-10-30 13:53:17

VisuAlg is a program that edits and executes algorithms with a language close to Portuguese structured as if it were a normal computer program.
the Portugol is a pseudolanguage that has been used since the mid-70s in handouts, textbooks in technical teaching of electronics. Nowadays also quite used to start Studies in programming for the individual who is starting degree in computer science. (To train the basics, logic and structure of algorithm)
Now You may be wondering:
Ta but what is the difference between VisuAlg and pseudolinguagem Portugol?
come on... Initially of the Visualg program project they took as a basis the pseudolinguagem Portugol because one of those involved was the creator of the language. After the creator of Portugol abandoned the VisuAlg project... The other developer continued the project to optimize and improve the environment and the language itself.
these optimizations and improvements that occurred over a long period, brought some novelty as the SENÃO that until then was otherwise, the do that until then was Knife, The until that until then was until, not that until then was no,...
the correct spelling is VisuAlg.
about the question:
Portugol was formally defined in the 1980s by professors Mannso and Nicolodi. Is Portugol taught in colleges still compatible with that definition? Or was there some way to add more functionality? Or each teacher follow your own language?
taking into account that the two have the same principle, the same basis, the same logic and the similar syntax (as I explained to cima VisuAlg had improvement in syntax), many teachers assimilate the two languages because they are similar or even teach both leaving the student to choose one in which he will direct the studies in the subject.
to have a better explanation http://visualg3.com.br/portugol-portugues-estruturado-e-visualg-como-tudo-comecou/.

Author: YODA, 2017-10-28 23:38:53