What is the extension of VisualG for GitHub?

I have some old code of mine in VisualG and would like to publish on GitHub, does anyone know the VisualG extension that GitHub recognizes?

Author: gustavox, 2017-08-19

2 answers

GitHub does not recognize VisualG codes.

When someone chooses to put VisualG codes on GitHub, these people usually make it available in txt format.

Author: Artur S. Farias, 2017-08-19 20:58:53

VisualG saves its scripts with the extension .por which I think is also used by Portugol Studio, however, even if you send your files with this extension, I think it will not be recognized by GitHub because in fact it is not a language.

See = > Pseudocode

Author: Johnny Santos, 2017-09-15 18:45:06