What is the technique of hiding components to secure information?

I missed the name of this technique in which the developer instead of treating the problem simply hides it.

For example: I have a button that, when clicked, causes a DROP TABLE to occur in my database. I know this but instead of fixing the problem, I just hide the button so no one clicks. However, anyone with knowledge can circumvent this "solution"of mine.

What is the name of this technique?

Author: Renan Gomes, 2015-01-06

1 answers

The original term is Security through obscurity or security by obscurantism, in Portuguese.

Contrary to what some preach is a fairly effective technique. It is something extremely used inside and outside of computing. The problem begins to exist when it is the only security technique. Consider it as an extra layer of security.

Invest in something that is not popular, something that only you know how it works and the chances of you being attacked with success greatly decrease. You would need to be a very desired target for someone to bother trying to figure out the flaws in your security. It is much easier to find out the security flaws of something popular, which everyone uses, that anyone can know how it works.

You just can't think that a basic Hideout will help anything. There are good and bad ways to do this.

There are many security "experts" but there are no security experts risk management.

A curious case to have the questioning in a system promoted by the White House . No one questions that her physical safety is also due, in part, because no one knows how she works. remember that the Little Bush appeared without anyone knowing to celebrate the "victory against Iraq"? It wasn't disclosed before because it was safer that way.

Developer has the craze to be more real than royalty (we need more pragmatic professionals and less ideological). Obscurity is a valid technique if not the only one.

The example of the question does not seem to be obscurantism. Seems gap same:)

Author: Maniero, 2020-09-16 18:01:00