What is Trunk Based Development?

I was recently introduced to an article in Medium about Trunk Based Development (TBD). The title was totally provocative, you don't need Feature Branches anymore { ("you don't need more Feature Branches " in free translation).

So, I come to question:

  • What is TBD?
  • What troubleshooting promises does TBD promise to solve?
  • ever used in practice? If so, which of the advantages Real what was obtained using it?
    • taking advantage of, what disadvantages have you experienced using it?
      Both compared to other code-flow or things that you simply realized yourself
  • How to work with remote teams with TBD?
    One of the points of the Medium article was that "Pair Programming is essential", how to do with a decentralized team? Or with remote limbs without physical proximity to others?
Author: Jefferson Quesado, 2020-02-17