What should a system administrator be able to do? [closed]

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I want to know what are the varieties of this profession and what should a person learn to be a system administrator?

Author: Nicolas Chabanovsky, 2011-04-19

6 answers

I would classify by different job specifics:

1.Enikeyschik (no offense), office admin (in my opinion for a small office is the most), who knows everything, and programs, and Linux, and Windows, and runs helps his friends:)

2.System customizers, comrades who work exclusively with network equipment, are divided into:


Setup specialists

Security specialists

And so on, here they can be, very much

3.System engineers-auditors, a common practice abroad, who analyze the stability of the system from and to.

Actually, the system administrator is an employee of the enterprise who is responsible for:

  1. Organization and support of the enterprise information system
  2. Ensuring the security and safety of enterprise data
  3. (possible in 2) Performing a systematic data backup
  4. Elimination problems
  5. Documentation management

You need to select an area and work with it. Only each of these areas has sub-areas. Ideally, you should be able to do everything about these areas.

For example:

  1. Installing and configuring the OS: Linux, Windows (sensible setup, and not put and forgot)
  2. Installation and configuration of Server OS, implementation of automation technologies, backups, DNS, HTTP, FTP, DB, Mail servers
  3. Configuring the network on the OS, on active equipment
  4. Configuring routing, NAT
  5. Configuring security based on firewalls built into the OS
  6. Configuring hardware firewalls (for example, Juniper, Cisco, Check Point)
  7. Installing and configuring VPN (IKE, IPsec), VoIP (+ protection)
  8. Monitoring systems, IPS systems, IDS

The list is so long that it is impossible for one person to do it. Purely physical.

Author: Dex, 2011-04-20 07:09:29

The main thing that a sysadmin should learn is responsibility. The main function of the administrator is to ensure the continuous operation of the IT infrastructure, technology is not so important.

A falling server is not "oh, damn, I forgot to check one box". This can stop the work of dozens and hundreds of people who will be sooooo angry. It is better to be able to admin something one thing, but to know how to do it in a perfect way, so that all crashes, server reboots, etc. occur during non-working hours, and the data is shared they were never lost. 100500 times I have seen students who type commands in bash faster than I can read them, but all of them constantly do not work toli mail toli dns... If everything always works for you, you will be the best :)

And in general-you guys do not go to the admins. Administration by and large is just a service, a service of what the programmers wrote. Undoubtedly, the administration is very important, but if you like computers and want to work with them-try it still programming.

Author: Andrew Frolov, 2011-04-21 14:07:02

Usually they are classified by occupation (I'm afraid to make a mistake with the names, but I'll try):

  • network engineer (his business is the whole network i.e. switches, routers, vitukha, sockets)
  • Security engineer (firewalls, proxy servers, antivirus software, HIPS, restricted access to information, encryption, etc.)
  • The administrator of the servers (usually a Linux user and raises them on FreeBSD) is responsible for maintaining the health and backups)
  • Domain admin (supports AD, makes changes users, etc.)
  • The administrator of AO (I don't know what else to call it, he runs everywhere and puts Windows, programs, solves small problems, sometimes has a server to automate his work)
  • Technical support (sometimes they are recorded here, all the work is to help with working with users, sometimes combined with the previous one)

Well, to be a good admin, you have to love it. Computers, broaching vituhi, automation of routine. When it's fun quality work, even if you do not know the little things, rises many times, but the little things are learned in the process.

Author: Сергей, 2011-04-21 21:06:53

Alas (unfortunately or not for some colleagues) system administration has completely changed at its core. This is a long time ago (if of course we are talking about a serious enterprise) not "running"," putting " Windows or Linux, servicing switches of routers and even more so vit pairs and sockets. I will highlight 2 main aspects


FUNDAMENTAL KNOWLEDGE (AND THE ABILITY TO APPLY IN PRACTICE) of almost ALL network protocols and services (as a craft application-the basis for understanding them work in target software products-web servers-operating systems-application software) Simplifying it can be said that today it is necessary not to STICK and UNDERSTAND how the entire network infrastructure works.


THE SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENT OF THE OPERATED APPLICATIONS is no longer a banal ability to write scripts, queries, miniprog to get results, but first of all a comprehensive study and knowledge of the BASICS (sometimes often more)programming languages, interpreters, and software technologies - wherever you throw C++, PHP, Java, Ajax, various DBMS, WEB technologies, and there is no end to it. Monitoring systems alone require serious knowledge of all of the above, and there is nothing to say about security systems, especially from insiders (for example, in banks)...


And in general, all this somehow begins to overlap- - - it is difficult today to imagine a programmer who does not understand anything about operating systems (even 10 years ago-it was practically the norm), will also cause surprise (if not more) the sysadmin is not able to write a banal HTML text or script in PHP,PL,PowerShell, Vba. But the most amazing thing about all this is THAT THANK GOD!!!! - Assembler as it was and remains an assembler- - - - that's when SOMETHING HAPPENS here, then YES!!!!!:))

Author: n2011all, 2011-04-24 05:39:27

In my opinion, the usual sis. the administrator first of all needs to know the subject area of the department, the enterprise that he supports and the set of software that is used in the work.

Author: Егор Соколов, 2011-04-20 05:55:56

All these classifications. )
I install systems throughout the office (Windows.), configure the software, I also do the network, as written above: switches, routers, and everything related to this. Maintenance of OPZ and BestZvit. Security yet.
In general, everything that can only be called administration.
Only everyone calls me a programmer. )

Author: Eugene, 2011-04-21 16:09:46