What to install in Visual studio 2017 for c#development?

I decided to install Visual studio 2017 enterprise and the question arose: where to check the boxes for c#development. I know that you can install the remaining content later, so tell me everything related to c#(Web, game dev, software, and mobile development)What should I note here?[![][1]]2

Author: ZjopkaShmelya, 2018-01-10

1 answers

Unity - just right for games.

If you are developing in C#, then you can not put everything about C++.

Core I think it is better to put, it is a modern new cross-platform. NET.

Extensions you vryatli will need.

Mobile development, if you are just starting to program, I think you can not put it, first you need to understand the database, and when you need it, it may be a different version of VS.

Author: Дмитрий Полянин, 2018-01-10 16:34:28