WhatsApp Link does not work on iOS

I am developing a landing page where there will be an icon with Link to WhatsApp. Follow this tutorial .


On Android works perfectly, as picture: enter image description here However, on iOS it does not work, when the user clicks on the link it is taken to the WhatsApp page in the App Store.

Is there any particularity in iOS? Does the link need to be done differently?

Author: Felipe Goulart, 2018-09-11

2 answers

Strange, I use the same share link on a website and it works normally on iPhone.

I even asked, just now, for a friend to test on her iPhone to take doubt and everything is normal.

If in doubt, try using the New Whatsapp Share URL:


Example: https&colon;//wa.me/5511999999999

If you want to send a ready message, the URL will be


Example: https&colon;//wa.me/5511999999999?text=OlaMundo

Another suggestion from the Whatsapp documentation is use share Extension and UIActivityViewController.

Also try testing on another iOS device. There is a minimal possibility of the problem being the device.


Author: Henrique Felipe, 2018-09-11 08:02:34

For some reason something has changed on the WhatsApp web page which is the link it opens first (this may have to do with Safari) when you open the web page before clicking on "Send Message" drag the page down come if it were to update, you will see that the option of "open in WhatApp app" will appear just click there and it will open WhatsApp on the message sending screen... I hope I helped.

Author: Gustavo Fernandes, 2019-07-02 16:14:01