When installing UBUNTU on a Prestigio 133s laptop, an error occurs: black screen

I decided to master OC UBUNTU.

1) Downloaded the. iso file from of.the site ubuntu.com.
2) I wrote the image of the hard disk to a Flash drive, which is also a flash drive.
3) Set the Bios priority of loading the flash drive to 1 place.
4) When loading, just a black screen or dark blue and an underscore. I waited for about an hour and nothing happened.
5) I stayed on my PC. UBUNTU was quietly loading.

P. s Tried almost all programs for recording the image the hard disk. Examples: UltraISO, Rufus, etc.

A laptop: Prestigio 133s

Author: kizoso, 2018-01-30

3 answers

As for Linux, the problem is exactly in the grub, a custom build of ubuntu with another bootloader works fine, if you have a desire, you can try it. custom build of ubuntu 17.10 beta http://linuxiumcomau.blogspot.com/ Link to the documentation for isorespin.sh custom isoshek collector(linux online) http://linuxiumcomau.blogspot.com/2017/06/customizing-ubuntu-isos-documentation.html

A source: https://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=845227&view=findpost&p=65842147

Yes, and disable SecureBoot in the BIOS

Here is a topic on 4pda about 57 pages - https://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=845227

Author: Alex_Krug, 2018-01-31 15:01:44

Installing Ubuntu 16.04.03 LTS on Prestigio 133s

  1. Create a file in the root of the flash drive with the name startup.nsh and the content fs1:\casper\vmlinuz.efi initrd=/casper/initrd.lz boot=casper ---
  2. Check: The files /casper/vmlinuz.efi and /casper/initrd.lz should be located in these paths.
  3. Boot from a flash drive (Bios) Built-in EFI Shell.
  4. Write to Shell>>fs1:
  5. fs1:>>startup.nsh
  6. Partition the disk and install Ubuntu
  7. Namely, Disk C: Take 128-512mb and specify the efi format type Primary. And the rest with the btrfs type with a dot mount/.
  8. In CMD. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rodsmith/refind
  9. sudo apt update
  10. sudo apt install refind In the window, specify YES.
  11. Then again in CMD. sudo mcedit /boot/refind_linux.conf the editor opens, where you need to write "ubuntu" "root=UUID=qwe ro rootflags=subvol=@" where instead of qwe you need to write the uuid of the disk, and to find it out, you need to type in the terminal blkid
  12. also, you need to check that there is a file /boot/efi/EFI/refind/drivers_x64/btrfs_x64.efi You can view it in CMD with the command sudo mc
  13. And you will most likely fall off Wi-fi, to fix this, you need to run CMD to write.

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ryu0/main
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install linux-generic rtl8723bu-dkms
  14. Also, Wi-fi falls off after sleep, so that there is no such error, you need to create a file with the command.

    sudo mcedit /lib/systemd/system-sleep/wifi 

    With content

set -e

if [ "$2" = "suspend" ] || [ "$2" = "hybrid-sleep" ]; then
case "$1" in
rmmod 8723bu
modprobe 8723bu

P. s Say all thanks to this user https://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showuser=349068

Author: Владислав Черепня, 2018-02-03 09:26:34

I installed Ubuntu 16.04.5, the installation went smoothly. The only thing is that you need to create an EFI partition of 200 MB. There is a problem with WIFI - does not see the network. Here is the solution: Install the driver https://github.com/lwfinger/rtl8723bu

git clone https://github.com/lwfinger/rtl8723bu.git
cd rtl8723bu

I commented out the line EXTRA_CFLAGS += -DCONFIG_CONCURRENT_MODE in the Makefile, because otherwise two devices are created and one connection constantly falls off

sudo make install
sudo modprobe -v 8723bu

And turn off the default driver (I have rtl8xxxu)

echo "blacklist rtl8xxxu" | sudo tee --append /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
sudo rmmod rtl8xxxu
Author: stakasha, 2019-02-07 08:03:09